Quarantine Chronicles | Travel Tips

Travel Tip Tuesday: Working From Home

March 17, 2020
Shirt: Target | Jeans: Madewell | Shoes: Amazon | Ear Model: Amazon | Hearing Aids: Starkey

I can imagine you didn’t start 2020 anticipating we’d be where we are today.
Restaurants: carry-out only or shutdown completely
Schools: closed
Gyms and recreational facilities: closed
Sports: canceled
Work events: canceled
Vacations: canceled
Toilet paper: non-existent (I still don’t understand the thought process behind this)
Needless to say, all of our 2020 new years resolutions have gone to hell in a hand basket

For the foreseeable future, it looks like many us may be working from home either part-time or full-time. While I currently am still seeing customers and patients in the clinics, I am finding myself leaning towards doing more and more online video meetings. Doing so enables me to still reach my clients without exposing myself or those at risk to harmful germs.

As I began to make my home “work friendly” I decided to focus this week’s #TravelTipTuesday around tips for successfully working at home!

Whether you are a veteran of WFH (work from home), or this is your first go-around, it is safe to say the home is filled with plenty of distractions! Being in your home environment makes it easy for your mind to wander to “other things” you could be doing: cleaning, organizing, watching TV, scrolling on social media, etc. You may find it a lot easier to slack off without corporate eyes to keep you in check. Here are some suggestions that can help keep your productivity high even while you’re away from the regular work grind!

1. Keep your regular morning routine

It can be very tempting to hit snooze a few more times or set your alarm an hour (or 2) later. Instead of viewing your new work schedule as an excuse to get a few extra minutes of shut-eye, I encourage you to stick to your regular sleep schedule and morning routine. Your morning can determine the pace of your entire day. The last thing you want is to start out sluggish and wake up on the wrong side of the bed 😉

2. Get Dressed

I cannot tell you the amount of friends I’ve talked to over the past few days who have said “I can’t wait to wear my pajamas all day!” While I agree this sentiment sounds nice, I am going to caution you against it. Pajamas. = cozy and relaxed. Cozy and relaxed does not necessarily equate to high levels of productivity. I recommend getting dressed just as you would every day for work, within reason. I am not here to tell you that you absolutely can’t be “business on top”, “relaxed on bottom”. My video conferencing people know exactly what I’m talking about. Listen people, there can compromise here! Ditch the pajamas in the morning to get your mind in the right headspace for a productive day.

3. Have a Space That Can Function as a Home Office

If you do not currently have a home office space, designate an area to be your “workspace”. I know the couch looks very comfortable but try and avoid it while working. Doing so will assist with getting into the proper mindset as you being each day.

4. Cut Back On The Distractions

Know yourself and what your WFH weaknesses are.

For starters, if your easily distracted, sticking to your regular morning routine will be crucial for getting yourself into a professional mindset.

Declutter your workspace. I know for me personally, if I am in a messy workspace I will spend more time thinking about cleaning and organizing and less time actually getting work done.

Avoid the TV at all cost. While it may be tempting to turn the TV on right now, I encourage you to only do so during designated breaks (such as lunch) or if there is a statewide or national press conference (I recognize right now there is important information being shared daily that is impacting our lives and the lives of our loved ones)

5. Get Your Technology in Order

This will be dependent on your job requirements and will vary person to person. For me, since I work in the “field”, I already had a pretty good grasp on what I needed my equipment to do in order to work efficiently. With that being said, as we move towards virtual meetings and video chats, I knew I needed a refresher on how to set up live video meetings.

Make sure you have a reliable internet connection, all of the necessary equipment [chargers, laptops, desktops, mouses, etc.] that you may need. If you need remote access due to security, make sure you know how to login. Don’t be afraid to ask your supervisor for support! Take the time to be prepared, the last thing you want to do is fumble through a work transaction because you did not take the proper amount of time to prepare.

If your company has not already provided you with the necessary resources, reach out. Trust me, they will be happy to help anyway they can during this time!

6. Embrace the Webcam

Gasp! I know this is pretty much the opposite of what are parents have told us. [Thanks Dad for the webcam covers in my Christmas stocking throughout the years] It is ironic that as I type this I am looking at the cover I have taped over my laptop’s camera.

Conference calls can be tough. Cell phone reception can cause delays, it can be challenging to know who is speaking, and interruptions are highly likely. While phone calls and emails are necessary, having the ability to have face to face communication can be far more impactful. Being able to see the face of the person you are communicating with can be more effective when reviewing business or marketing plans, trainings, and even just to “check-in”. During this period of social-distancing and self quarantining, the ability to communicate during Webcam can give a sense of community that so many of us are lacking right now.

7. Create a Daily To-Do List

Creating a “to-do” list each morning will help make the day feel and look less overwhelming. Prioritize by most important to least. As you complete tasks physically or virtually check the items off your to-do list. Doing so will give you a sense of accomplishment and will also assist with keeping you on track.

8. Take Breaks

Whether you work in a clinical setting, a school, or corporate America, your regular workday should offer a few breaks. Coffee breaks, lunch breaks, etc. are the norm while at work. When working from home you may find yourself feeling obligated to power through the workday without pausing. Make sure you are still taking the same amount of breaks you would during a. normal workday. Your brain will thank you later!

9. Communicate with your Coworkers and Friends as Usual

During this time of social distancing and self-quarantining you may find yourself feeling isolated. We don’t realize what social beings we are until we are asked to avoid each other. Communication is key right now. Having the camaraderie of your coworkers and friends can do wonders for our mental health. It can also be a nice “mental break” from your workday.

Communication with coworkers can also be beneficial for keeping morale up, sharing productivity tips/tricks that are working well, and for making sure everyone is on the same page while working remotely.

Just because your cube mate may look different right now (currently thinking about how cute my dog is. I love you so much Kirby), remember you are not alone!
Also, make sure you are checking in on your parents and those considered “at risk” on a regular basis, I can guarantee they are feeling more isolated during this time and it’s a good excuse to exercise one of your daily breaks.

10. Set a Schedule and Stick to it

As already mentioned, working from home is full of distractions! It can be tempting to stray off task throughout the day. If you don’t hold yourself accountable you will find it very easy to oversleep, stay in your pajamas and end the day early. I recommend creating a schedule and sticking to it. If you normally work from 9-5, don’t sign out at 3:45pm just because you are at home and got “most” of your to-do list completed. With that being said, just because you are working from home does not mean you should be pulling 12 hour work days either. Never let your work life spill over into your personal life. Make sure you are taking adequate breaks and disconnecting from work at a reasonable hour in the evening.

I know these are scary times and unchartered territory. Keep calm, listen to your local and national government officials and don’t panic! We are all in this together and we will all come out on the better side. I personally am looking forward to coming out on the other side more savvy with online webcam meetings 😉

Below I have included links to a few products that will hopefully make your transition to working from home a bit easier!

Spruce up your home office!

Be sure to follow me along in the free LIKEtoKNOW.it app or at https://www.liketoknow.it/_ronniecolwell to shop my looks and products!

Sending lots of love and prayers to everyone!
